50cm Cassegrain Telescope
The 50 cm Cassegrain telescope has focal length of 8 m and aperture ratio (D/F) of 1:16. Mainly electrophotometric and polarimetric observations of non-stable red giants and supergiants, investigation of flare stars and long-period variables have been carried out.

40cm Cassegrain Telescope
The 40 cm Cassegrain telescope has focal length of 4 m and aperture ratio of 1:10. Like the 50cm telescope, here too mainly electrophotometric and polarimetric observations of non-stable red giants and supergiants, and investigation of flare stars were carried out. The polarization of light of Crab Nebulae was proved on this telescope, and the variability of polarization of light from the variable red giant star m Cep was discovered. At present it is used for observations of fast flares with high resolution in time.

Yerevan State University (YSU) Observatory 0.2m Telescope