JENAM 2007 |
Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting |
20-25 August 2007 |
"Our non-stable Universe"
Yerevan, Armenia
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EAS SYMPOSIUM 5: Activity in Galaxies
20-22 August 2007
Contact: Ian Robson (UK)
Thierry Courvoisier (Switzerland), Michel Dennefeld (France), Daniel Kunth (France), Areg Mickaelian (Armenia), Artashes Petrosian (Armenia), Ian Robson (UK, Chair), Roberto Terlevich (UK, Mexico).
- activity phenomena in
galaxies: from starburst to AGN
- core-collapse Supernovae and relation with the properties of their
- multiwavelength studies of activity in galaxies
- the latest evidence of the black hole - bulge mass relationship
- the black hole-bulge interplay in galaxy formation and evolution
- the role of star formation
Monday, August 20, 2007
Session 1. Chair: Thierry Courvoisier
09:30-10:15 Mathew Page: New Lights on the Torus (invited)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:20 Luka Popovic: The Contribution of Disc Emission in Spectra of AGN: from X-ray to Optical Emission Lines
11:20-11:40 Norayr Asatrian: Rapid Profile Variations in the Broad Hydrogen Emission Lines of Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 6 and Radio Galaxy 3C390.3: Possible Evidences for an Accretion Disk with Macroturbulence in AGN
11:40-12:10 Nikolai Bochkarev: Evidences of Possible Jet Contribution to AGN Broad Line Region Emission
12:10-12:30 Alla Miroshnichenko: Relationship of Jet Radio Emission and Physical Characteristics of Sources
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:45 Eckhard Sturm: The Starburst-AGN Connection in the Infrared Light (invited)
14:45-15:05 Lusine Sargsyan: Spitzer Spectroscopy of IRAS Sources Having Extremely High IR/Opt Flux Ratios
15:05-15:25 Serguei Dodonov: Search for the Active Objects by Spectral Energy Distribution
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
Session 2. Chair: Danielle Alloin
16:00-16:20 Eduard Denissyuk: Preliminary Results of the Spectral Observations of Some AGN in 2006-2007
16:20-16:40 Dario Trevese: Low-Luminosity AGNs in SA57
16:40-17:00 Vadim Artyukh: Investigations of Physical Conditions in Cores of Nearby Radio Galaxies and GPS Radio Sources
17:00-17:20 Artashes Petrosian: The NGP +30° Zone Galaxies. I. Comparative Study of the Galaxies with Different Nuclear Activity
Tuesday, August
21, 2007
Session 3. Chair: Artashes
11:00-11:30 Vassilis Charmandaris: Infrared Properties of Low Metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies (invited)
11:30-11:50 Danielle Alloin: Embedded Young Massive Clusters around AGN: the Case of NGC1365
11:50-12:10 Nikolay Podovanyuk: Kinematics of the Interstellar Medium in the Galaxy IC10
12:10-12:30 Svyatoslav Zubrin: Survey of 5 1 - 6 0 A+ Methanol Masers
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
Session 4. Chair: Michel Dennefeld
14:00-14:45 Stefano BENETTI: Supernovae in Galaxies (invited)
14:45-15:05 Avet Harutyunyan: Classification and Analysis of 30 Supernova Spectra
15:05-15:25 Susanna Hakopian: 2D-Spectroscopy of Two SBS Galaxies with Star Formation Regions
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:00 Poster sessions and General discussion
S5-P01. Hayk Abrahamyan, M. Hovhannisyan: Multi-Investigation of Distant Radio Galaxy
S5-P02. Martin Abrahamyan: On the Astrophysical Jets
S5-P03. Vardan Adibekyan: The Spectral Investigation of Several HII Regions in Kazarian Galaxies
S5-P04. Lidia Erastova: Active Dwarf Galaxies as Circumnuclear Regions of LSB-Galaxies
S5-P05. Valentina Gaisina, Eduard Denissyuk, Rashit Valiullin: H-alpha Profile as an Effective Instrument for Study of Variability of Seyfert Galaxies
S5-P06. Marieta Gyulzadyan, Artashes Petrosian: On the Relation of SBS Galaxies with Zwicky Clusters
S5-P07. Artur Hakobyan: Statistical Investigation of Core-Collapse Supernovae and their Host Galaxies
S5-P08. Artur HAKOBYAN, Artashes PETROSIAN, Anahit YEGHIAZARYAN, Jacques BOULESTEIX: HII Region Population of the Spiral Galaxy NGC6384
S5-P09. Ashot Hakobyan: On the X-ray Radiation of M87
S5-P10. Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, Jacopo Fritz, Tom Jarrett: Spectral Decomposition of Type 2 SDSS AGN
S5-P11. Iryna Izotova, S.L. Parnovsky: Star-Forming Galaxies from SDSS DR4: Three Indicators of the Current Star Formation Rates
S5-P12. Florencia Jiménez: Optical High-Resolution Spectroscopy of High-Redshift BAL Quasars
S5-P13. N.G. KOGOSHVILI, Tengiz BORCHKHADZE, Arsen KALLOGHLIAN: Flattening of Galaxies in the Coma Subclusters
S5-P14. Zhaklin Martirosyan: Infrared and Radio Features of Galaxies with UV-Excess
S5-P15. Alexander Melnikov, Ivan Shevchenko: The Broad-Line Region of NGC 4151: its Structure and Physical Characteristics
S5-P16. Alla Miroshnichenko: Sources with Steep Spectra at Decameter Range
S5-P17. Maria Nikolashvili, Omar Kurtanidze: Activity of BL Lacertae after Last Great Outburst: Long-Term, Intraday and Intrahour Variability
S5-P18. Gabriel Ohanian, Haik Harutyunian: Radio Source Evolution and Intrinsic Redshifts
S5-P19. Gurgen Paronyan, Martin Hovhannisyan: Multi-Frequency Investigation of Distant QSOs
S5-P20. Yevgen Vovk: The Periodicities in Polarization for the BL Lac Object OJ 287
S5-P21. Svyatoslav Zubrin: Survey of 5 1 - 6 0 A+ Methanol Masers in the CS (J = 1 - 0) Line