Composite spectrum Active Galaxies
HII / LINERHII/LINER – Composite spectrum galaxy, having a mixture of HII and LINER features. Very often one of the emission line ratios may show on HII and the other ratio shows on LINER. Otherwise, a typical HII spectrum may show very strong [OII] 3727 and/or [SII] doublet. |
HII / SyHII/Sy – Composite spectrum galaxy, having a mixture of HII and Seyfert features. Very often one of the emission line ratios may show on HII and the other ratio shows on Seyfert. |
LINER / SyLINER/Sy – Composite spectrum galaxy, having a mixture of LINER and Seyfert features. Very often one of the emission line ratios may show on LINER and the other ratio shows on Seyfert. Otherwise, a typical Sy spectrum may show very strong [OII] 3727 and/or [SII] doublet. We give an example of LINER/S2.0 composite. |