Broad Line Sy 1s
S1.0![]() S1.0 (S1, Sy1.0, Seyfert 1.0 or BLS1, Broad-Line Seyfert 1) – Seyfert 1 with broad lines. Broad permitted Balmer HI, HeII and other lines (FWHM=1,000–10,000 km/s; typical is 2,000–6,000 km/s) that originate in a high-density medium (ne ≤ 109 cm-3) and narrow forbidden lines ([OIII], [NII], [SII], etc. with FWHM = 300–1,000 km/s) that originate in a low-density medium (ne ≈ 103-106 cm-3). Narrow hydrogen lines are completely lost in strong broad components. Physically, these are the same objects as QSOs, but have lower luminosities (Mabs > -23). Typically, they are radio quiet. According to Winkler (1992), Hβ/[OIII]5007 > 5.0. NGC 4151 is the prototype. The subtypes S1.0-S1.9 were introduced by Osterbrock (1981). |
S1.2![]() S1.2 (Sy1.2, Seyfert 1.2) – AGN with spectra that have parameters intermediate between classical Sy1 and Sy2 galaxies; i. e., both broad and narrow components of the resolved lines are present (in our case the Hα and Hβ line profiles are of this kind) (Osterbrock, 1981), but the broad lines are stronger and the ratio of the narrow components 2.0 < Hβ/[OIII]5007 < 5.0 (according to Winkler, 1992). Often erroneously related to NLS1s or S1n. |
S1.5![]() S1.5 (Sy1.5, Seyfert 1.5) – AGN with spectra that have parameters intermediate between classical Sy1 and Sy2 galaxies in which narrow and broad line components are observed. The Balmer series hydrogen lines have roughly equal intensities (narrow profile overlapped on broad wings) (Osterbrock, 1981), According to Winkler (1992), the ratio of the narrow component of Hβ to [OIII]5007 is 0.333 < Hβ/[OIII]5007 < 2.0. The intensities of the broad and narrow components are roughly equal. |
S1.8![]() S1.8 (Sy1.8, Seyfert 1.8)– AGN with spectra that have parameters intermediate between classical Sy1 and Sy2 galaxies. They have relatively weak broad Hα and Hβ components superposed on stronger narrow lines (Osterbrock, 1981), and according to Winkler (1992), ratio of narrow components Hβ/[OIII]5007 < 0.333. |
S1.9![]() S1.9 (Sy1.9, Seyfert 1.9) – AGN with spectra that have parameters intermediate between classical Sy1 and Sy2 galaxies and have a relatively fainter broad Ha component superposed on a stronger narrow line. Broad Hβ component is not observed (Osterbrock, 1981), and according to Winkler (1992), narrow component of Hβ/[OIII]5007 < 0.333. |